Pupil Premium
What is it?
The Pupil Premium is funding allocated to schools to boost the attainment of pupils from low-income families. Funding is based on the number of children registered for free school meals (FSM), service children and children that have been looked after by the Local Authority for more than six months. Find out more about the Pupil Premium
Why was it introduced?
The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for FSM and those children who are not by ensuring that funding reaches the pupils who need it most. Schools are able to decide what to spend Pupil Premium money on, however they will be held accountable for how this money has been used to support pupils from low income families, eligible for FSM.
Each child, eligible for pupil premium in a primary school is allocated approximately £1300. This does little to provide for the specific needs of any individual child. As a lump sum, combined with much larger sums from the main school budget, we are able to provide many additional opportunities for the children at Arnold View Primary School. Pupil Premium includes children who had been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years. These are known as Ever 6 children.