F1 - Fireflies

Hello and welcome to the Fireflies Class Page!
My name is Mrs Boothe and I am the F1 teacher on a Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Hutchinson is the F1 teacher on Wednesday to Friday. Nursey is all about having fun, forming relationships, building up communication and language skills and learning through play. In F1, we have a wonderful indoor and outdoor classroom. We are so lucky to have so many exciting areas to explore such as a reading area, sand area, water area, maths area, home corner and much more.
This year our topics will be:-
- Autumn 1 – Fantasy Island
- Autumn 2 – Somewhere over the rainbow
- Spring 1 – Animal Antics
- Spring 2 – Dinostastic!
- Summer 1 – Food glorious food
- Summer 2 – What a wonderful world.
Within the topics above, our learning is cross curricular and involves all of the areas of the curriculum, including maths and literacy. See the Curriculum section and Sticky Knowledge sheets for more information about our exciting year ahead.
PE days will be on a Thursday so don't forget to wear suitable clothes! Library books will be swapped on a Monday and a Thursday. We will have forest school on a Tuesday morning so don’t forget to come dressed appropriately for the weather and remember to bring your wellies on these days!
Mrs Boothe - I have 2 little girls, Eliza who is 7 and Verity who is 5. In my spare time I love spending time with family and friends, singing and dancing, cooking, exploring new countries and I love to read.
Mrs Hutchinson – I have a little boy called Thomas who is 7. In my spare time I love spending time with my family, reading, watching films, going for walks and playing with Thomas.
Miss Onyett is our fabulous Teaching Assistant – She is kind and caring and loves to help children learn new things. She has a little boy called Tobey who is 7. She loves spending time with her family, watching films, trying and cooking different foods and swimming.