Friends of Arnold View
The Friends of Arnold View (or FAV) is Arnold View Primary School’s Parent and Teacher Association (PTA) and our role is to work with the school to help raise funds to buy things that the school otherwise wouldn't have the money to purchase.
In the past we have provided money to buy play equipment, the trim trail & tyre park, netball posts and bibs, football kit and balls, tennis equipment, scooter racks, digital cameras for each class and donated towards the library refurbishment.
Being a FAV member also gives parents a chance to have a voice in the school and any suggestions/feedback are always welcome.
We are all parent volunteers and we give up as little or as much time that our lives allow. We hold 3 to 4 meetings a school year and all are welcome to join us. We are always in need of new members to enable us to continue to support the school. If you want to help support your school, you can leave your details at the school office and one of us will be in touch!!
Each year FAV put together a programme of fundraising events that we hope will appeal to everyone within the school. Over the past years we have held a Christmas and Easter disco, Film night, provided refreshments at nativity performances and sports day, run Christmas projects and the Summer Fair which is our biggest fundraiser and an event that is enjoyed by all.
FAV are now also registered on, so parents, carers, grandparents etc. can shop via the internet and raise funds for us at the same time. A huge number of well-known retailers are on the site, so please register and help to raise additional funds for the school.
We have also begun holding occasional coffee mornings for parents during which we ask for any new fundraising ideas; we also have a suggestion box which is in the reception area if you think of any amazing fundraising ideas that we could try. All suggestions are gratefully received and will be considered at the meetings.
Without the continued support of parents, FAV will not be able to run the events and provide the additional funds that we have in the past
Do you shop online? Just by choosing to do all your online shopping via easyfundraising you can raise money for Arnold View Primary School.
It is completely free and each retailer donates a percentage of what you spend. Over 2000 retailers - Amazon, Boden, John Lewis, M&S, Expedia, Argo and more....
Click Here to participate and see the Funds raised so far.