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Free School Meals and Milk
If you are in receipt of certain benefits you may be entitled to Free School Meals (FSM). The difference is that if you are entitled to FSM there are other means of support that you can tap into. Once you are in receipt of benefits related Free School Meals your child’s school will receive additional funding (Pupil Premium) to help and support you through your child’s education. The school will also receive extra support to deliver a fully inclusive and accessible education for all of our pupils.
You can apply for Free School Meals at any time while your child is at school.
How do I apply?
If you believe your child may be eligible, I strongly encourage you to fill out an application form, which can be obtained by phoning Nottinghamshire County Council on 0300 500 80 80 or filling out the application at
To apply, you will need to register and provide:
- your National Insurance Number or National Asylum Support Service Reference Number
- your last name
- your date of birth
If your entitlement to free school meals cannot be assessed through the eligibility checking system, the council will let you know. If you think you are eligible to the benefits listed you can provide more details for a manual assessment.
If your child comes under and of the categories below you might also be entitled to Pupil Premium support:
- Children of those employed in the Armed Services
- Children adopted from care
Please get in touch with Nottinghamshire County Council to find out how to apply and what support is offered.