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Arnold View Primary School

Aspire Believe Achieve


Every Session Counts!


Our school gates open at 8.45am with the classroom doors then opening at 8.50am. Please remember that your child starts learning right from 8.55am!

Just 5 minutes late each week means that your child will lose 3 hours and 15 minutes of learning over the school year - it soon adds up!

Sickness and medical appointments

For any instances of sickness and/or diarrhoea we ask for a full 48 hours absence from school (from the last bout of sickness/ diarrhoea) before returning to school.
We ask that medical appointments are booked outside of school hours but do understand that this can sometimes be unavoidable. If your child has an appointment during school hours you need to let office staff know in advance. We ask to see a copy of the confirmed appointment (medical letter / text message etc) and ask that your child attends school before and after the appointment. 

Reporting Absence

We ask that you leave a message on our absence line by 8.55am on the first day of your child's absence, clearly stating their name, class, an estimated return date and a genuine detailed reason for absence. Our phone number is 0115 9560967.

Holidays & Planned leave

Holidays should be taken during the school holidays where possible, and are only likely to be authorised by the Head Teacher in exceptional circumstances. If you know your child will be absent from school for a holiday you need to fill in an 'application for leave of absence during term time' form. You can obtain the form from the school office. 

Our School attendance target

At Arnold View we aim to achieve whole school attendance of 96% over the school year. Last year (2022/2023) we achieved 94.81% and we know with your help we can improve and hit out 96% target!

We achieved 94.81% whole school attendance last year!

Attendance Policy
Please follow the link below to our policies page to find Arnold View Primary School's Attendance Policy

Attendance Leaflet